"Omm Seti" and her past life in Egypt 3,000 years ago

"Omm Seti" and her past life in Egypt 3,000 years ago.

Dorothy Louis Eady was a woman born in London in 1904 with an incredible story, since she claimed to be a priestess of the temple of Abydos, Egypt, 3,000 years ago. 

Dorothy lived like an ordinary child, until at the age of three she suffered a serious accident. One day the little girl fell from the stairs of her house, being immediately unconscious; so, her parents very worried, called a doctor who examined her thoroughly and declared her dead. Then, the doctor left the house to do the death certificate and prepare the body, leaving the little girl in her bedroom. However, an hour later, upon returning to Dorothy's home, he found the girl playing in her bed as if nothing had happened to her. She recounted that the doctor got upset with her, while her father got upset with the doctor because he thought he had lied to them and caused them a fright. But the interesting thing about the case is that. moments later, the girl began to cry because she wanted to go home; she said, her house was not her real home, and since that day everything changed.

Young Dorothy Eady.
After her accident, Dorothy began to have constant dreams of a place with large columns, not in ruins, but in good condition, with stunning and beautiful gardens around. However, she did not know where it was located, she just knew that she wanted to go home. Later, at 4 years old, her parents took her to the British Museum. Dorothy’s mother told her that she showed no interest until they entered to the Egyptian antiquities' hall. She told her that when she saw the statues, immediately kissed their feet, and told them (her parents) that those sculptures were her people; so, she did not want to leave the place. That’s when her parents found a clue to Dorothy’s strange behavior.

Temple of Osiris in Abydos.
Years later, Dorothy saw in the local newspaper a photo of a ruined temple, and immediately recognized it, since that was the place she dreamed about, and surprisingly, it was the Temple of Osiris, in Abydos, Egypt. In fact, even more incredible is that at the age of 14 she had a vision with a man dressed in white and blue, whom she would later recognize as the same ancient pharaoh Seti I. This pharaoh ordered to build the temple of Abydos in the thirteenth century BC, with which Dorothy dreamed of; besides, she felt inside that Seti I had been an important man in her life, she used to describe him as a good person, even as her hero.

Pharaoh Seti I.
Since then, her interest in Egypt grew even more, and from a young age, Dorothy began to study Egyptology with Ernest Wallis, who was in charge of the British Museum and with him, among other things, she learned to read hieroglyphs. On the other hand, the young woman received messages that revealed her identity in her past life, Bentreshyt, a young woman who lived in the Temple of Abydos as a priestess. Likewise, she claims that she continued to receive visits from Seti I, who revealed many more things to her. 

At the age of 29, she married a young Egyptian man named Abd El Megid and they moved to Cairo, Egypt; there, they had a son whom she called Seti, so she was known as "Omm Seti", which means "Seti’s mother". Nevertheless, the couple separated, and Dorothy stayed in Egypt forever. She got a job at the Department of Egyptian Antiquities with doctor Selim Hassan and Ahmed Fakhry, doing translations, writing articles, illustrating documents, and making corrections.

Omm Seti was not only revealed messages and memories of her past life, but also spoke the ancient Egyptian language as a native and knew the archaeological sites and temples well. Her extraordinary knowledge made her a vital aid in many discoveries and elaboration of scientific documents, but she did not possess a university degree; so, archaeologists did not always give her the credit she deserved for her work. 

Omm Seti in Abydos' temple.
Until she was 48, Omm Seti was finally able to reach her real home in 1952. Her reunion with the temple of Abydos was so emotional that upon entering she burned incense and began to pray to her Egyptians gods on a full moon night. It was such a special experience for her; she felt that stay in the temple was her life purpose. Four years later, she was sent to settle and work in Abydos, as she had always wished, living near the temple, her old home. There she lived alone with the company of her animals, which according to Omm Seti, made her not feel alone. 

Her work in Abydos was extremely important, she was able to arrange in the right way the stone fragments that were scattered in the temple; she knew well the location of the beautiful lost gardens, so the archaeologists could find them. She also translated the hieroglyphs of the temple and received tourists who came to admire such wonders. 

She used to tell her old memories of the place, did sacred rites to her gods, and nobody ever considered her as insane; moreover, the people of the village really respected her. Omm Seti claimed to remember Ramses II, Seti's son, as a restless and curious boy, a little kind; however, in the temple, his figure appears as an adult, meaning that she probably died before he grew up.

On the other hand, Omm Seti said that when she had already settled in Abydos, she received more visits from Seti I, who spoke to her about life on other worlds. Likewise, she told the people who interviewed her that she never felt a connection with anyone else than the one she had with Seti I, it was something inexplicable. So, she believed that in her past life Seti I could have been her partner, or they could have had a strong relationship.

Omm Seti in her last years.
Omm Seti said that it was difficult to live in that part of the world, yet for no reason would she leave there. In her later years, she was engaged in embroidery as in ancient Egypt and chatting with tourists in the temple; she also agreed to be interviewed and recorded for documentaries. Before she died, she organized her own funeral and asked to be buried with a view to the West, just as it was done according to ancient traditions. Finally, on April 21, 1981, at the age of 77, Dorothy Louis Eady (Omm Seti) died, leaving a great legacy in the history of Egyptian archaeology. 

Dorothy Eady’s story opened a debate about whether humans reincarnate, because she was able to prove that she did possess incredible knowledge of ancient Egypt like no other person in the world. Nowadays, no one can approve or refute that she had a past life; however, the important thing is to recognize the great contribution she gave to human history, being a key piece of many discoveries and knowledge of ancient Egyptian civilization. For her work and dedication, her name will always be remembered.


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