
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2023

Doubts about the Apollo 11 space mission in 1969.

 Doubts about the Apollo 11 space mission in 1969. "A small step for man, a great step for humanity" (Neil Armstrong) The Apollo program was a promise made by former American president John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s. This program aimed to bring a crew to the moon (astronauts) to do scientific exploration, which was carried out in 14 missions. Thus, on July 16, 1969, history was made when the successful Apollo 11 mission was broadcast on television and seen by about 650 million people in the world. The great feat was to take the three astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin on an expedition on the moon and have them return safely on July 20 of the same year. It was a great step forward for humanity and a great triumph for the US government in the context of the cold war against the Soviet Union. It seems that today people are divided between those who believe and those who do not believe that man came to the moon. Many say doubts about the veracity of t...

"Omm Seti" and her past life in Egypt 3,000 years ago

"Omm Seti" and her past life in Egypt 3,000 years ago. Dorothy Louis Eady was a woman born in London in 1904 with an incredible story, since she claimed to be a priestess of the temple of Abydos, Egypt, 3,000 years ago.  Dorothy lived like an ordinary child, until at the age of three she suffered a serious accident. One day the little girl fell from the stairs of her house, being immediately unconscious; so, her parents very worried, called a doctor who examined her thoroughly and declared her dead. Then, the doctor left the house to do the death certificate and prepare the body, leaving the little girl in her bedroom. However, an hour later, upon returning to Dorothy's home, he found the girl playing in her bed as if nothing had happened to her. She recounted that the doctor got upset with her, while her father got upset with the doctor because he thought he had lied to them and caused them a fright. But the interesting thing about the case is that. moments later, the gi...

Ayurvedic Medicine: The science of the five millennia.

  Ayurvedic Medicine: The science of the five millennia. Ayurveda in medicine has no exact date of origin, however, it is said that it may have begun to be used around the third millennium BC. It's concept links body, mind and spirit with nature and divinity; however it's methods are based on observation and experience. Therefore, posionnes or remedies, meditation, high concentration physical activities such as yoga and massage, are part of this traditional medicine. At first, due to its symbolism, Ayurveda was denoted as magical, however its treatments were made with ingredients from plants and natural elements.  This knowledge of the human body and its mental processes is linked to the myth that medicine was a gift provided by the divinities of Hinduism to humanty, in order to bring health, happiness and harmony. It was transmitted mainly orally, between wise masters and their disciples; so, the first Ayurvedic masters of which there are records are Brahman and Bharadvaja. L...